Scratch Hardness

Most tiles are rated for hardness or scratch resistance using the MOHS Test and rating system. The MOHS test rates tile from 1 (softest) to 10 (hardest). Ceramic tile with a value of 5 or more is suitable for most residential floor tile applications. Tile with a value of 7 or higher is normally acceptable…

Different Tiles

Here is an explanation of a few different types of tiles that will hopefully help you choose which is right for you. Wall Tile-  Now this may sound very common sense that  wall tile is for  well, the walls, however there are people who don’t see the difference between a regular ceramic tile and a…


Grout Tips

An important part of any tile job is the grout. Many people have a hard time trying to decide what color grout to use. There are really two options when choosing a grout color. If you want your grout lines to almost disappear then finding a grout color closest to the same color as your…

Choosing a Tile Color

There are a few questions that I often get when customers come into our store to try and pick ceramic tile. One of the most common is, “How should I pick the color of my tile?”. My advice for this is to first look at other areas in your house that have the largest areas…