
Grout Tips

An important part of any tile job is the grout. Many people have a hard time trying to decide what color grout to use. There are really two options when choosing a grout color. If you want your grout lines to almost disappear then finding a grout color closest to the same color as your tile is the route you should take. However, if you really want each tile to stand out and make a bold statement choose a grout color that contrasts your tile.

One personal tip I would also offer is to not choose a light grout. Even after sealing grout over time it will be susceptible to stains, so keep this in mind especially when tiling a kitchen.

Another thing to keep in mind when thinking about grout is how wide you want the grout to be. Each product usually gives you a recommended grout width but if you have a choice my design advice is that by widening the grout lines you’ll have more of a rustic look. If you have thinner grout lines it gives you more of a refined look.

As I briefly mentioned before make sure that you seal all grout after installation.

Below is an example of choosing a grout the same color as your tile in order to make the grout “disappear”.


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