With Approved Credit. Some conditions apply. See store for details. Not available with any other discount or special. Offer subject to change without notice. *To avoid finance charges, the entire balance must be paid off, in full, at the end of the promotional period.
Another way to help a room looked balanced is to contrast patterns between walls and floors. For example if you have a wallpaper with a large print or design then it would be good to go with a small design for your floor(ex. small tiles, 3″planks,or carpet with small patterns). The opposite would work if…
Champion Floors is excited to offer 12 Month Same-as-Cash Special Financing through Synchrony Financial. On most in-stock or special order products. Terms: 12 Months Deferred Interest With Equal Payments. *To avoid finance charges, the entire balance must be paid off, in full, at the end of the promotional period. Offer subject to change without…