With Approved Credit. Some conditions apply. See store for details. Not available with any other discount or special. Offer subject to change without notice. *To avoid finance charges, the entire balance must be paid off, in full, at the end of the promotional period.
All Champion Floors locations will be closing at 2:00 on Thursday, December 31, 2009. We will also be closed January 1, 2010. We reopen with regular hours Saturday January 2 at 10:00. Have a happy and safe New Years.
We are excited to announce that Champion Floors has earned the 2015 Angie’s List Super Service Award for superior workmanship and excellent customer service. This is the seventh time we have earned this award and the sixth year in a row! Previous awards were earned in 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014….